Remote access at the data+ portal

We offer various tunnel connections to allow remote access to your routers.

Your data+ M2M SIM cards are dynamically assigned private IP addresses that are not accessible via the internet. For outgoing traffic we use carrier-grade NAT. If you still need remote access to your devices, we can offer you the additional services OpenVPN, IPsec tunnel, private APN and public IP addresses. These services are subject to a charge and can be requested from your contact in our sales team if you are interested.

Various VPN options in detail

OpenVPN is a VPN tunnel that enables remote access via a client software that is available free of charge (including Windows, Linux, ...). Via the client it is possible to reach your devices equipped with a data+ SIM via their fixed, private IP. You can view the IP addresses directly in the online portal. For the login in the OpenVPN client you receive a certificate file and access data from us.

For an IPsec tunnel you have to use an IPsec capable firewall. This then establishes a tunnel connection to our gateway.

When using a private APN, it can be configured that SIM cards can reach each other within their exclusive APN. Alternatively, we offer a low-cost shared APN, but you will need to implement additional security features, as other end devices from other customers can also access your IPs in this APN.

Public IP addresses can be accessed via the Internet. Here, too, we recommend that you implement additional security features.